Indy Portrait
Acrylic painting on canvas, 16×24
Oliver Portrait
Acrylic painting on canvas
majestic murphy
An 8×10 pencil portrait.
Dash Cloudrider – Vanity Painting
Chalk pastel on 32″ x 44″ board Custom-frame, painted in acrylic with gold glaze.
Acrylic on rolled canvas.
Acrylic on rolled canvas, 11×14.
gingercat rides a unicorn
Acrylic on canvas, based off concept by Julienne Spencer.
up, up & away
Acrylic on rolled canvas.
the king
An 8×10 pencil portrait.
Sculpey over wire and tinfoil armature, painted with acrylic. Stands roughly 6 inches tall, 8 inches long.
happy hippie
Acrylic on rolled canvas.
cecil the cyclops
Plasticine sculpt over wire and styrofoam armature. Movable eye made from wooden bead.
what would gandalf do?
Acrylic on rolled canvas, 8×10.
“The Simpson’s” sailboat painting
“The Simpson’s” sailboat painting – acrylic on rolled canvas with custom, hand-crafted frame (sanded, painted,
morgan horse bust
Sculpey over wire and tinfoil armature. Mounted via metal installment onto wooden base.